Local setup

Work on your own 💻

For this option, you will:

  • Build your R Markdown documents locally on your laptop using the RStudio IDE

  • Publish your work via RStudio Connect, or a combination of GitHub and Netlify

This option will require more setup time before the workshop, but will allow you to be able to work from your own workspace using R and the RStudio IDE.

Why would I need this option?

You may not want to use a server, and would strongly prefer to use your own machine. Note that while we will have TAs for this workshop, there is a limit to how much we can help with issues arising from running outdated versions of R, the RStudio IDE, or packages. So, if you choose this option, please carefully follow all the setup instructions listed below. If you run into problems with your local setup, we may ask you to switch to a cloud setup during the workshop so that you can enjoy the workshop and get the most out of it.

What do I need to do before the workshop?

You’ll need to follow these setup instructions:

  1. Install/upgrade software
  2. Install R packages
  3. Install Git & GitHub

Will I be able to publish my work?

Yes! You will also need to look at our publishing options and either:

  1. Use an RStudio Connect account we provide (included in your workshop registration) to publish to RSC from your local IDE
  2. Sign up for a Netlify account (we recommend to sign up through your existing GitHub account).