layout: true <div class="my-footer"><span></span></div> <!-- this adds the link footer to all slides, depends on my-footer class in css--> --- name: bookdown-title background-image: url(img/karim-ghantous-333364-unsplash.jpg) background-size: cover # Meet bookdown <img src="" alt="bookdown" width="180" /> ### .fancy[Making Books in R Markdown] .large[Alison Hill | rstudio::conf | 2019-01-16] <!-- this ends up being the title slide since seal = FALSE--> --- exclude: true name: lifecycle individual files: .Rmd to .md (via knitr) .md to HTML (via pandoc) HTML to lots of HTML --> BOOK (via bookdown) --- background-image: url(img/art-lasovsky-559569-unsplash.jpg) background-size: cover # Hello 📖 + Multiple R Markdown documents + Multiple output formats (E-books, PDF, HTML websites...) + Formatting features like cross-referencing, numbering of figures, equations, and tables. --- .left-column[ # Hello 📖 ] .right-column[ <iframe src="" width="100%" height="500px"></iframe> ] ??? We'll focus on the `gitbook` output format today, which renders your book to an HTML website. Here is an example of what one looks like- from the bookdown book! -> Show TOC here in window --- .left-column[ # [The simplest book]( ] .right-column[ <iframe src="" width="100%" height="500px"></iframe> ] ??? This book was built from a single file, the index.Rmd file It has a title, and author, and a single (very short) chapter called "Hello World" You can also see it has one and only one output format: gitbook --- # [The simplest book]( ```js --- title: "A Book" author: "Frida Gomam" site: bookdown::bookdown_site documentclass: book output: bookdown::gitbook: default #bookdown::pdf_book: default --- # Hello World Hi. Bye. ``` .footnote[ ] ??? The index.Rmd is the only file required to build a book. The site parameter is the only required one here, it must be bookdown::bookdown_site. The first and only chapter is called "Hello World" But it is unlikely you want to write a book this simple... You'll probably want a few chapters, and some nice extra features too. --- class: inverse, middle, center # 📖 # .fancy[Let's build a book right now] -- .pull-left[ ### .fancy[.center[Local with GitHub]] ### .fancy[.center[💻 + <i class="fab fa-github fa-lg fa-fw"></i>]] ] -- .pull-right[ ### .fancy[.center[Cloud or Local (no GitHub)]] ### .fancy[.center[☁️ | 💻]] ] --- name: start-here class: inverse, middle .pull-left[ ### .fancy[.center[Local with GitHub]] ### .fancy[.center[💻 + <i class="fab fa-github fa-lg fa-fw"></i>]] 1. Make a [repo on GitHub]( 1. Make a [new RStudio project via git clone]( <br> *File > New Project > Version Control > Git* 1. Run: ```r bookdown:::bookdown_skeleton(getwd()) ``` ] -- .pull-right[ ### .fancy[.center[Cloud or Local]] ### .fancy[.center[☁️ | 💻]] 1. Make a new RStudio project via wizard <br> *File > New Project > New Directory* 1. Scroll down to select: <br> 📖 *Book Project using bookdown* ] -- <hr> .center[Name it something like `<yourname>-arm-bookdown`] --- # Project structure ```r directory/ ├── .Rproj.user ├── book.Rproj ├── 01-intro.Rmd ├── 02-literature.Rmd ├── 03-method.Rmd ├── 04-application.Rmd ├── 05-summary.Rmd ├── 06-references.Rmd ├── ├── _bookdown.yml ├── _output.yml ├── book.bib *├── index.Rmd # YAML + Chapter 1 ├── preamble.tex └── style.css ``` ??? You should all be looking at this directory structure. The index.Rmd again is the only required file here, with some specific YAML parameters set within it. We'll walk through these elements as we go, and what they all do. --- # Project structure ```r directory/ ├── .Rproj.user ├── book.Rproj *├── 01-intro.Rmd *├── 02-literature.Rmd *├── 03-method.Rmd *├── 04-application.Rmd *├── 05-summary.Rmd *├── 06-references.Rmd ├── ├── _bookdown.yml ├── _output.yml ├── book.bib *├── index.Rmd ├── preamble.tex └── style.css ``` ??? each chapter = an .Rmd file --- class: inverse, middle, center # 📖 # .fancy[Let's render our book right now] --- name: noknit class: middle, inverse, center # DO NOT KNIT!  --- class: center, inverse, middle # 📚 # .fancy[Preview book!] Mouse up to "Addins" ➡️ "Preview Book" <img src="img/bookdown-preview.png" width="70%" /> ??? What are we seeing here? Everything that is the _book folder. --- # Other options ## .fancy[Option 1:] ```r bookdown::render_book('index.Rmd') ``` -- ## .fancy[Option 2:] ```r bookdown::serve_book() ``` .blue["Preview Book"] Add-in calls `bookdown::serve_book()` --- name: first-preview .left-column[ # Hello 📖 ] .right-column[ <iframe src="" width="100%" height="500px"></iframe> ] ??? The index.Rmd contains the first "chapter" because it starts with a level one header. Notice that in your rendered book, the second chapter is called "Introduction"- but the filename was 01-intro.Rmd. Prerequisites, which is the first level-one heading in the index.Rmd became Chapter 1. And Introduction became Chapter 2. I'll show you later how to change this if you want to. --- # New files created ```r directory/ ├── .Rproj.user ├── book.Rproj ├── 01-intro.Rmd ├── 02-literature.Rmd ├── 03-method.Rmd ├── 04-application.Rmd ├── 05-summary.Rmd ├── 06-references.Rmd ├── ├── _bookdown.yml ├── _output.yml ├── book.bib ├── index.Rmd ├── preamble.tex ├── style.css *├── _book *├── _bookdown_files *└── packages.bib ``` ??? _book contains the generated book files- each .Rmd is saved as HTML files _bookdown_files contains figure and cache files that were generated automatically from knitr You could delete any of these and re-render your book to re-create them. --- # `packages.bib` This is a code chunk in `index.Rmd` ```` ```{r include = FALSE} # automatically create a bib database for R packages knitr::write_bib(c( .packages(), 'bookdown', 'knitr', 'rmarkdown' ), 'packages.bib') ``` ```` --- exclude: true name: earlydeploy Netlify: drag and drop Or RStudio Connect in gitter chat copy/paste rendered link --- name: clean exclude: true # Cleaning up ```r bookdown::clean_book() ``` ``` These files/dirs can probably be removed: _book/ You can set options(bookdown.clean_book = TRUE) to allow this function to always clean up the book directory for you. ``` To do this: ```r bookdown::clean_book(TRUE) ``` .footnote[ this is the default setting (clean = TRUE) for `render_book` ] --- name: section class: middle, inverse background-image: url(img/kelly-sikkema-450720-unsplash.jpg) background-size: cover --- name: outline template: section .right-column[ # <i class="fas fa-feather-alt"></i>.fancy[Outline] + Preface: [the `index.Rmd`](#index-YAML) <a href=""><i class="fas fa-book"></i></a> + Story: [the chapter `.Rmd` files](#chapters) <a href=""><i class="fas fa-book"></i></a> + Table of Contents: [the `_bookdown.yml`](#bookdown-YAML) <a href=""><i class="fas fa-book"></i></a> + Off to Press: [the `_bookdown.yml` and `_output.yml` files, & publishing](#press) <a href=""><i class="fas fa-book"></i></a> ] --- name: index-YAML template: section .right-column[ # <i class="fas fa-feather-alt"></i>.fancy[Preface: <br>the `index.Rmd` file] <br> <br> <br> ### .fancy["made before" (prae + factum)] [-wikipedia]( ] --- name: edit-yaml # `index.Rmd` = YAML ```js --- title: "A Minimal Book Example" author: "Yihui Xie" date: "2019-01-16" site: bookdown::bookdown_site documentclass: book bibliography: [book.bib, packages.bib] biblio-style: apalike link-citations: yes description: "This is a minimal example..." --- ``` ??? The `site` is **required** --- # `index.Rmd` = YAML .pull-left[ ```js --- title: "A Minimal Book Example" author: "Yihui Xie" date: "2019-01-16" site: bookdown::bookdown_site documentclass: book bibliography: [book.bib, packages.bib] biblio-style: apalike link-citations: yes description: "This is a minimal example..." --- ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="img/index-YAML-annotated.png" width="2235" /> ] --- name: add-yaml # The `default.html` template .pull-left[ ```html <!--bookdown:title:start--> $if(title)$ <div id="$idprefix$header"> <h1 class="title">$title$</h1> $if(subtitle)$ <h3 class="subtitle"><em>$subtitle$</em></h3> $endif$ $for(author)$ $if($ <h4 class="author"><em>$$</em></h4> $if(author.affiliation)$ <address class="author_afil"> $author.affiliation$<br>$endif$ $if($ <a class="author_email" href="mailto:#">$$</a> ... <!--bookdown:title:end--> ``` ] .pull-right[ ```js title: "A Minimal Book Example" subtitle: "ARM workshop" author: name: Yihui Xie affiliation: RStudio email: ``` ] .footnote[ [default.html]( ] --- name: yourturn template: section .right-column[ # <i class="fas fa-edit"></i> .fancy[Your turn] ] --- name: yourturn1 template: yourturn .right-column[ # .fancy[03:00 minutes] ### Edit your `index.Rmd` YAML, save, and re-render your book. Ideas: + Change the [title and author](#edit-yaml) + Add a [subtitle, author affiliation, or author email](#add-yaml)<br> .blue[.fancy[Hint:] Use [this link]( and find the `bookdown` title start/end (line 125).] ] ??? At end of time: So those are the YAML parameters that change things you see But most YAML parameters change things you never see If you change the title, you may notice that the sidebar title has NOT changed! We'll show you why in a bit... --- # Meta <i class="fas fa-tags"></i> ```html <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="generator" content="pandoc" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta property="og:title" content="$pagetitle$" /> <meta property="og:type" content="book" /> $if(url)$<meta property="og:url" content="$url$" />$endif$ $if(cover-image)$<meta property="og:image" content="$url$$cover-image$" />$endif$ $if(description)$<meta property="og:description" content="$description$" />$endif$ $if(github-repo)$<meta name="github-repo" content="$github-repo$" />$endif$ ``` .footnote[ [default.html]( ] ??? This is the default.html template for our book's metadata. Some are static, like the character set. But others, like the last 4 here, are actually pulling values from our index YAML. So you can see that if there is a url specified, it is saved as a meta tag; same with cover-image. In fact, the cover-image YAML parameter, combined with url, is needed for any kind of social sharing of your site. The description will also show up. --- name: meta # Viewing Meta <i class="fas fa-tags"></i> ```js url: 'https\://' cover-image: images/books.jpg # relative to index description: "This is a minimal example using the bookdown package for the rstudio::conf Advanced R Markdown Workshop." github-repo: rstudio-education/arm-companion-rsc2019 ``` --- template: meta name: meta-twitter <img src="img/bookdown-meta-twitter.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .footnote[ ] ??? This explains why you won't see any changes when you add some YAML parameters to index.Rmd The changes are fed to Pandoc to generate meta-data for your book website, but cover-image for example does not actually add a cover-image to your repo (try it!). Demo within browser --> inspect element --> search I'll explain github-repo a bit later, but if you have one you may as well add it here. --- template: meta name: meta-community <img src="img/bookdown-meta-community.png" width="40%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .footnote[ ] --- name: pandoc-meta # Viewing Meta <i class="fas fa-tags"></i> ``` <meta property="og:url" content=""> <meta property="og:image" content=""> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary"> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Notes from the Advanced R Markdown Workshop"> <meta name="twitter:description" content="This is a minimal example using the bookdown package for the rstudio::conf Advanced R Markdown Workshop."> <meta name="twitter:image" content=""> ``` Test this out: Use this link: --- name: yourturn-2 template: yourturn .right-column[ # .fancy[03:00 minutes] <br> ### Add new YAML metadata tags to your `index.Rmd`, and re-render your book. Ideas: + Add [url, cover-image, description, github-repo](#meta) .blue[.fancy[Hint:] see all possible Pandoc EPUB metadata parameters [here](] ] --- name: chapters template: section .right-column[ # <i class="fas fa-feather-alt"></i>.fancy[Story: <br>the chapter `.Rmd` files] <br> <br> <br> ## .fancy[Examples:] 1. `index.Rmd`, 1. `01_*.Rmd`, 1. `02_*.Rmd`, 1. `99_*.Rmd` ] ??? Each chapter is an R markdown file. None of the .Rmd files, other than index, have a YAML. Each file should begin with a level-one header, like # Chapter Title. Each chapter has a dedicated page and is split into subchapters, indicated by lower-level headers, e.g., ## A subchapter within the chapter. The numbered chapter names are a naming convention- you don't have to use them. Any .Rmd files with begin with an underscore are skipped. --- name: headers class: middle ## .center[.fancy[Numbered Chapters (default)]] .pull-left[ `index.Rmd` ```r # Prerequisites This is a _sample_ book written in **Markdown**. ``` <hr> `01-intro.Rmd` ```r # Introduction Blah blah blah. ``` <hr> `02-literature.Rmd` ```r # Literature Here is a review of existing methods. ``` ] .pull-right[ ### Chapter 1 Prerequisites This is a _sample_ book written in **Markdown**. <hr> ### Chapter 2 Introduction Blah blah blah. <hr> ### Chapter 3 Literature Here is a review of existing methods. ] --- class: middle name: headers-manip ## .center[.fancy[Un-numbered Chapters]] .pull-left[ `index.Rmd` ```r *# Prerequisites {-} This is a _sample_ book written in **Markdown**. ``` <hr> `01-intro.Rmd` ```r # Introduction Blah blah blah. ``` <hr> `02-literature.Rmd` ```r # Literature Here is a review of existing methods. ``` ] .pull-right[ ### Prerequisites This is a _sample_ book written in **Markdown**. <hr> ### Chapter 1 Introduction Blah blah blah. <hr> ### Chapter 2 Literature Here is a review of existing methods. ] ??? You can un-number a chapter by following the header text with curly brackets, with .unnumbered, like I did for "Prerequisites" here. --- class: middle name: headers-cross ## .center[.fancy[Label & Cross-Reference Chapters/Subchapters]] .pull-left[ `index.Rmd` ```r # Prerequisites {-#pre} This is a _sample_ book written in **Markdown**. ``` <hr> `01-intro.Rmd` ```r # Introduction {#intro} *Next we review the [literature](#lit)... ``` <hr> `02-literature.Rmd` ```r # Literature {#lit} *Following Chapter \@ref(intro),... ``` ] .pull-right[ ### Prerequisites This is a _sample_ book written in **Markdown**. <hr> ### Chapter 1 Introduction Next we review the [literature]( <hr> ### Chapter 2 Literature Following Chapter [1](,... ] ??? bookdown supports a nice way for explicitly setting the header ID label. If you follow the header text with an opening curly bracket (separated from the text with a least one space), a hash, the ID label and a closing curly bracket, the ID label is set on the header. Why would you want to do that? You would want to set ID labels so you can more easily: a) link to specific chapters/subchapters b) cross-reference within the book to chapters/subchapters --- name: figure-caption ## .center[.fancy[Caption a figure]] .pull-left[ ```` ```{r pressure-plot, fig.cap='Look!'} par(mar = c(4, 4, .1, .1)) plot(pressure, type = 'b', pch = 19) ``` ```` ] .pull-right[ .center[ <img src="bookdown_files/figure-html/pressure-plot-1.png" width="75%" /> **Fig. 1:** Look!] ] --- name: figure-cross ## .center[.fancy[Cross-reference a figure]] .pull-left[ See Figure `\@ref(fig:pressure-plot)`. ```` ```{r pressure-plot} par(mar = c(4, 4, .1, .1)) plot(pressure, type = 'b', pch = 19) ``` ```` ] .pull-right[ See Figure [1]( .center[ <img src="bookdown_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-25-1.png" width="75%" /> ] ] --- name: table-caption ## .center[.fancy[Caption a table]] .pull-left[ ```` ```{r iris-tab} knitr::kable( head(iris[,1:4], 3), caption = 'Look!', booktabs = TRUE ) ``` ```` ] .pull-right[ .center[ **Table 1:** Look! <table> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align:right;"> Sepal.Length </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> Sepal.Width </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> Petal.Length </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> Petal.Width </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;"> 5.1 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 3.5 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 1.4 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0.2 </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;"> 4.9 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 3.0 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 1.4 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0.2 </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;"> 4.7 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 3.2 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 1.3 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0.2 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ] ] --- name: figs-tabs-cross ## .center[.fancy[Cross-reference Figures & Tables]] .pull-left[ ```` ```{r pressure-plot, fig.cap='Look!'} par(mar = c(4, 4, .1, .1)) plot(pressure, type = 'b', pch = 19) ``` ```` ```` ```{r iris-tab} knitr::kable( head(iris[,1:4], 3), caption = 'Look!', booktabs = TRUE ) ``` ```` See Figure `\@ref(fig:pressure-plot)`. Don't miss Table `\@ref(tab:iris-tab)`. ] .pull-right[ See Figure [1](#figure-caption). See Table [1](#table-caption). ] --- # More <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i> [Equations]( <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i> [Citations]( <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i> [Theorems and proofs]( .footnote[ [All components]( ] --- name: yourturn3 template: yourturn .right-column[ # .fancy[10:00 minutes] <br> ### Add/edit chapters in your book. Try using some of these elements: + [Markdown headers](#headers) like `#, ##, ###` .fancy[(to un-number: `{-}`, to label: `{#label}`)] + [Cross-references](#headers-cross) to chapters/sub-sections like `\@ref(id)` + [Figures](#figure-caption) and [tables](#table-caption) with captions + [Figures](#figure-cross) and [tables](#table-cross) cross-references like `\@ref(fig:my-plot)` & `\@ref(tab:my-tab)` ] --- name: toc template: section .right-column[ # <i class="fas fa-feather-alt"></i>.fancy[Table of Contents] <br> <br> <br> Examples: <i class="fas fa-link"></i> <i class="fas fa-link"></i> ] ??? --- name: toc-default # Chapters/Subchapters Only .pull-left[ `index.Rmd` ```r # Prerequisites This is a _sample_ book written in **Markdown**. ``` `01-intro.Rmd` ```r # Introduction Blah blah blah. ``` `02-literature.Rmd` ```r # Literature Here is a review of existing methods. ``` ] .pull-right[ .center[ <img src="img/bookdown-skeleton-toc.png" width="65%" /> ] ] --- name: toc-num-parts # Parts .pull-left[ `index.Rmd` ```r # Prerequisites {-} ``` `01-intro.Rmd` ```r *# (PART) Act one {-} # Introduction ``` `02-literature.Rmd` ```r # Literature ``` `03-methods.Rmd` ```r *# (PART) Act two {-} # Methods ``` ] .pull-right[ .center[ <img src="img/bookdown-skeleton-toc_numparts.png" width="70%" /> ] ] ??? Parts are just groups of chapters and do not have dedicated pages, but according to the gitbook::theme, it will show in the navigation. You add them with a first-level header followed by PART in all caps within parentheses. You --- name: toc-parts # Un-numbered Parts .pull-left[ `index.Rmd` ```r # Prerequisites {-} ``` `01-intro.Rmd` ```r *# (PART\*) Act one {-} # Introduction ``` `02-literature.Rmd` ```r # Literature ``` `03-methods.Rmd` ```r *# (PART\*) Act two {-} # Methods ``` ] .pull-right[ .center[ <img src="img/bookdown-skeleton-toc_parts.png" width="70%" /> ] ] ??? Parts already need to have the dash inside the curly braces, which was how we previously removed the numbering from individual chapters like Prerequisites. To create unnumbered parts, you need to add a forward slash and asterisk after PART, within the parentheses. --- name: toc-appendix # Appendix .pull-left[ `index.Rmd` ```r # Prerequisites {-} ``` `01-intro.Rmd` ```r # (PART\*) Act one {-} # Introduction ``` ... `05-summary.Rmd` ```r *# (APPENDIX) Other stuff {-} # Final Words ``` ] .pull-right[ .center[ <img src="img/bookdown-skeleton-toc_appendix.png" width="65%" /> ] ] ??? We can also add an appendix, which by default is an unnumbered part. The numbering style of appendices will be automatically changed in LaTeX/PDF and HTML output (usually in the form A, A.1, A.2, B, B.1, …). --- name: toc-collapse # TOC Sidebar New file: `_output.yml` .pull-left[ ```js bookdown::gitbook: config: toc: collapse: none scroll_highlight: yes before: | <li><a href="./">A Minimal Book Example</a></li> after: | <li><a href="" target="blank">Published with bookdown</a></li> ``` ] .pull-right[ `collapse`: + `section` (`#`, ~~`##`, `###`~~) + `subsection` (`#`, `##`, `###`) + `none` (`#`, `##`, `###`, ad infinitum) ] --- name: yourturn4 template: yourturn .right-column[ # .fancy[05:00 minutes] <br> ### Change how your sidebar TOC looks & works. Try using some of these elements: + [Parts](#toc-num-parts) with `# (PART) My unique part {-}` + [Un-numbered parts](#toc-parts) with `# (PART\*) My unique part {-}` + [Appendix](#toc-appendix) with `# (APPENDIX) My appendix {-}` + [Collapsing TOC](#toc-collapse) with the `_output.yml` ] --- exclude: true # Add R Code ```r rmarkdown::find_external_resources(here::here("index.Rmd")) rmarkdown::yaml_front_matter(here::here("index.Rmd")) rmarkdown::metadata$title rmarkdown::resolve_output_format("index.Rmd", output_format = "bookdown::gitbook")$pandoc ``` --- name: press template: section .right-column[ # <i class="fas fa-scroll"></i>.fancy[Off to press:] ## .fancy[the `_bookdown.yml` and `_output.yml` files] ## .fancy[& publishing] ] --- name: render # `_bookdown.yml` This YAML file gets fed to the `bookdown::render_book` function: ```r render_book(input, output_format = NULL, ..., clean = TRUE, envir = parent.frame(), clean_envir = !interactive(), output_dir = NULL, new_session = NA, preview = FALSE, encoding = "UTF-8", config_file = "_bookdown.yml") ``` -- Arguments worth mentioning: ```r new_session: yes output_dir: "docs" # for gh-pages rmd_files: ["index.Rmd", "02-literature.Rmd", "01-intro.Rmd"] ``` -- .footnote[ Read more: + + + ] ??? This file has no dash delimiters. the default config file for the `bookdown::render_book()` function is `_bookdown.yml` `new_session`: render each chapter in its own R session? `output_dir`: default = "_book"; "docs" if you want to publish to GH Pages ] --- name: output # `_output.yml` For each output format, different configurations are possible, for example: ```r gitbook(fig_caption = TRUE, number_sections = TRUE, self_contained = FALSE, lib_dir = "libs", pandoc_args = NULL, ..., template = "default", split_by = c("chapter", "chapter+number", "section", "section+number", "rmd", "none"), split_bib = TRUE, config = list(), table_css = TRUE) ``` -- Most arguments are passed to [`rmarkdown::html_document()`]( ```js bookdown::gitbook: css: [css/arm.css] highlight: kate config: ??? ``` -- .footnote[ + [css: use Hao Zhu's `bookdownThemeEditor`!]( + [highlight]( `default`, `tango`, `pygments`, `kate`, `monochrome`, `espresso`, `zenburn`, and `haddock` ] --- name: output-config .pull-left[ ### .center[.fancy[Gitbook configurations]] ```r gitbook_config = function(config = list()) { default = list( sharing = list( github = FALSE, facebook = TRUE, twitter = TRUE, google = FALSE, linkedin = FALSE, weibo = FALSE, instapaper = FALSE, vk = FALSE, all = c('facebook', 'google', 'twitter', 'linkedin', 'weibo', 'instapaper') ), fontsettings = list(theme = 'white', family = 'sans', size = 2), edit = list(link = NULL, text = NULL), history = list(link = NULL, text = NULL), download = NULL, # toolbar = list(position = 'static'), toc = list(collapse = 'subsection') ) ``` ] .pull-right[ ### .center[.fancy[Sample `_output.yml`]] ```js bookdown::gitbook: css: [css/arm.css] highlight: kate config: toc: <!--covered earlier!--> download: ["rmd"] edit: link: text: "Suggest an edit" sharing: github: yes facebook: no twitter: yes ``` Very important! 1. Edit link to read: <br> 1. For GitHub sharing, add to `index.Rmd` YAML: <br> `github-repo: apreshill/armed` ] .footnote[ ] --- exclude: true name: publish Options: 1. RStudio Connect ☁️ + 💻 1. Netlify 💻 1. GitHub Pages --- name: yourturn5 template: yourturn .right-column[ # .fancy[05:00 minutes] <br> ### Tune your `gitbook` output by editing these 2 YAML files: + [`_bookdown.yml`](#render) + [`_output.yml`](#output) (.fancy[don't forget about [`config`!](#output-config)]) + Try adding the GitHub edit button, link to a repo, change the highlight ] --- exclude: true name: publish class: inverse, middle, center <!-- --> # .fancy[Let's publish a book right now] Options: 1. RStudio Connect ☁️ + 💻 1. GitHub + Netlify 💻 --- exclude: true name: rsconnect # RStudio Connect ☁️ + 💻 + `account =` + `server =` (defaults to ``) ```r publish_book(name = NULL, account = NULL, server = NULL, render = c("none", "local", "server")) ``` --- exclude: true name: netlify OPEN WITH DRAG AND DROP in gitter chat copy/paste rendered link # GitHub + Netlify 💻 1. Preview your book one more time. 1. Add/commit/push your edits to your remote repository. 1. In your repo on GitHub `_book` folder 1. Go to []( + Login + Select "New Site from Git" + Select "GitHub" + Find & select your repository with your bookdown project + Leave "Build" empty + Set "Publish Directory" to `_book` (unless you set the `output_dir` in your [`_bookdown.yml`](#render) to something else!)